2008年6月8日 星期日

A free Saturday

Yesterday I was free,because I don't have to go to school or study at home.
In the morning I got up early.I went for a walk with my mom in National Taiwan Museum Of Fine Arts.It is such a great place that I've visited for many times.I remember when I was a little child,I loved playing there.I haven't visited here since I started preparing for the BC Test.When I saw some children playing on the green divot,I thought they were blest liked me.
But I was sad when I saw a white rabbit.It looked cute and clean.Mom said maybe it was kept by someone before,but its owner didn't like it.Then we saw a man with dark skin took the rabbit away.He wasn't its owner,I believe.Because the rabbit was afraid of him and it kept running.Finally it was taken away by the man.I didn't know what the man will do to the rabbit.Even now,I'm thinking of it.I was sorry that I couldn't do anything to help the rabbit.Will it be hurt?I can't stop thinking of it.
We also saw lots of trees and grass.I loved it very much.Mom said when I was little,I liked to go out all the time.Even now, I love outdoor activities more than indoor activities.
Finally I saw a old woman was selling something.It was my favorite bubbles(吹泡泡).I loved playing it when I was little,even now I love it,so I bought one.(It was 10 NT dollars before, but now it is 15 NT dollars each,Wow!!!)
Then we left the museum.We went to grandma's house.Two of my cousins were there.They loved to play with me,although they were just little boys,I can play with them all the time.
My grandma was making rice dumplings.Grandpa was happily singing.I couldn't believe that grandpa was a 75-year-old man,he can sing very well and he can speak good Japanese.
I was reading a novel that called The Last Town On Earth(末日小鎮).It was sad and touching.I'll tell more about it after I finish it.
Then I was talking with my aunt,Ling.We are planning to go traveling this summer vacation.May be to Europe?Or somewhere?I didn't know,either.
We went home at 5:00.After dinner,Mom and dad took me to saw some furnitures they were beautiful but expensive.But we needed a new table.
After a day's activities,I was tired.I was reading the book at night.But it was so sad that brought me sad mood.I just wanted to cry for the poor town.So I stopped reading and went to sleep.I wanted to have good spirits tomorrow because today is a big day.
Guess what?Teresa has a concert today this afternoon!I'll go to the concert and give Teresa a big surprise!My aunt and cousins will go there,too.
Having a free weekend has been my dream for a long time.Yesterday It finally came true.
